Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blogging For Money - Blogger Gets Money Making Blog Delisted by Google and You Won't Believe Why

Yep, Every Blogging for Money Blogger Wants a Blog Like This! Each morning after Brent awoke, the first thing he did was check his Google AdSense account, his Clickbank account and his Affiliate account for his CPA ads. It was always awesome because between those three income sources, Brent had been generating $285.00 a day steadily for seven months straight.

How he lost it all in one fail swoop will serve as a learning lesson to all bloggers and website owners on WHAT NOT TO DO! Bloggers of the world, if you are blogging for money, please DON"T learn this lesson the HARD WAY!

Blogging for Money Blogger Goes From Zero To $285.00 Per Day in 15 Months - Brent started off with a clear-cut vision; he wanted to offer visitors to his blog concise and unique information in his niche. He worked tirelessly for eight months researching and gathering information and then writing informative, engaging and helpful blog posts. His readers loved his writing style and the fact that he delivered vital info and pertinent resources.

A testament to his success was the fact that he quickly garnered an astounding 6109 readers through his Opt-in list. Brent reminiscences about the day he started seeing the fruits of his labor. Says Brent, "It was like a blogger's dream come true seeing my blog go from a few pennies a day, to ten dollars a day, to forty dollars a day and the first time I hit $100 a day was a amazing!" He got there by providing unique content and by answering the questions his readers were asking. No tricks, no gimmicks, no hype and no black hat techniques... at least not yet!

Blogging for Money Blogger Gets Lazy and Then Goes Crazy! Say it isn't so! - Brent was singing the song, "I'm making money... I'm making money... I'm making money online! YAHOO and Yippee ki-ay!" The thrill became so real that in all honestly Brent got lazy and stopped posting articles to his blog and altogether pressed pause on his online marketing system.

It is important to note, at that point, he had quit his full time job. Blogging for Money had become his S-O-L-E source of income! But, when your income averages out to $285.00 per day, seven days a week, why do you need a job anyway, right? Right! After about two months of coasting along and enjoying the life of a successful blogger, Brent went online and made a costly mistake NO BLOGGER should ever make.

Blogging for Money Blogger Follows Guru To The DBI - Brent saw a PPC Pay Per Click add by one of the Internet Marketing Gurus boasting about how bloggers never have to write another article ever again... if they join his PLR membership. Intrigued, Brent clicked on the ad and read the sales pitch.

It was so compelling that he instantly became a member and that's when his blog and his world came crashing down! Brent immediately downloaded about one hundred and twenty articles and started posting twenty articles a week to his blog.

You knew this was coming so here goes, dun da dun tah! About seven weeks after posting the first set of PLR articles Brent noticed a major dive in his income. He went from averaging $285.00 per day down to around $26.00 a day. And of course when that is your sole source of income, you get antsy REAL FAST.

Brent checked his Blogging for Money blog to make sure it was up and running, he checked all of his income producing accounts such as Google Adsense and Clickbank, etc., and they all checked out, OK?

He called a blogger friend to help him figure out what was going on... the friend went and googled Brent's blog and it was NOT FOUND! Brent's Blogging for Money blog had been banished to the dreaded (DBI) Delisted Blogger Index. His blog was TOTALLY delisted by Google. It was if it never existed! All of that work he put into getting his keyword phrases on page one... ALL DOWN THE TUBE! All the research... ALL DOWN THE TUBE!

Blogging for Money Blogger Fights Back and Gets Knocked The Hell Out! - Furious, Brent the Blogger transformed himself into a lean, mean fighting machine. He contacted Google and was ready to let them have it and that's when the Internet gods knocked him out cold with a crooked right uppercut. Blogger Brent got read the RIOT act about submitting Substantial Duplicate Content. The rep even sent him indisputable proof. All Brent could do was stare at that e-mail and curse the day he signed up for that PLR article membership. He had followed the guru to the DBI. He pulled all of those articles off of his blog and is trying to get his site relisted. In the meantime, Brent went looking for a job to help pay the mortgage

For more cool advice and tips on how to make money blogging, blog design and blog marketing, click on Blogging for Money!

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